Wednesday, July 8, 2020

What Does Your Email Address Say About You

What Does Your Email Address Say About You Recently I was interestedinconnecting a member of a networking organizationwith a potential employer after reading an email that shared their experience andqualifications. The potential employer was a client who had just advised me the day before that they had made a decision to consider candidates for a newposition within their organization.Thats how connections are made, right? And what does this have to do with an email address? Professional,credible, qualified; certainly thebasic impression you willwant to sharewhen managing a career.Sohow could I introduce a potential candidate with an email address such as, Unfortunately an opportunity was lost because this email address says,outdated, lacks professionalism and in need of careeradvice. No formal name can be deciphered from this email to even consider a basic search, nor did George choose to provide a formal name atthe end of the email.So for all the Georges out there, obviously an alias for this post, Id like to offer afew suggestions to ensure your email says what itshould about you, especially when you are in career transition. Use your proper name, first and last Do notuse slang orslogans Try to avoid numbers, dots, dashes and underscoresif possible Do not usefisherperson@, partyanimal@ or fitnessnerd@ Hotmail and AOL areseverely outdated Establish a new email address such as Gmailor Rogers Choosea professional email address andinclude a proper signature when emailinginformation. It shouldnt be a difficult task for someone tomatch up your email address with your name. What does your email address say about you?

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