Sunday, December 29, 2019

Unemployed 3 Tips for Surviving Holiday Parties

Unemployed 3 Tips for Surviving Holiday PartiesUnemployed During the Holidays?Unemployed 3 Tips for Surviving Holiday PartiesIf youve been unemployedwhether for six days, six months, or even longertheres a good chance some stranger will soon catch you off guard with that oft-used icebreaker at a holiday partyWhat do you do?Then, if youre like most unemployed people, youll hesitate before answering, take a sip of eggnog, or think a bit before you find the right combination of words to describe your current situation.Being unemployed sucks. Being unemployed during the holidays sucks even more. I can say this from personal experience. Theres little to no fun when youre putting so much effort into finding work amid the most festive time of the year. There are days youd rather stay holed up in your house and draw inspiration from Ebenezer Scrooge or The Grinch.But if youre a brave sort and want to be around people, good for you Socializing can blunt some of the sting of joblessness, and y ou might meet someone who knows someone who can lead you to a new job.But if youre asked the What do you do? question, here are three ways you can respondThe Vague Approach Im a (fill in the blank), but Im looking for something new in that area. Youre not saying in so many words youre unemployed, but youre making it clear youre actively seeking new opportunities. So, smile and keep the conversation going.The Factual Approach Im in between jobs right now and Im using the time to figure out which opportunities to pursue. This is a positive message that indicates youre trying to be productive and see yourself as employable. It may not elicit sympathy, but maybe a little empathy.The Brutally Honest Approach Im unemployed. It happens. (shrug here) What do you do? This can disarm the questioner, who may feel a bit embarrassed by having asked the question. By turning the question in the other direction, you can avoid a potentially awkward pause in the conversation. At the least, it can shi ft the focus from your situation to someone elses.When youre unemployed, the next-best thing to getting a job is knowing youre making progress toward getting a job. That alone can be a comfort during the holiday season. If you at least see the positive in that, try to sustain that mood into your holiday socializing.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Provide Employee Anniversary Recognition That Works

Provide Employee Anniversary Recognition That WorksProvide Employee Anniversary Recognition That WorksFollowing is an excerpt from the fully revised and expanded second edition of Make Their Day Employee Recognition That Works (Berrett-Koehler May 2009) The book is written for managers. This chapter focuses on how Human Resources can help managers provide the best possible recognition for employees. Partnering with Recognition Program Administrators Imagine you work for a company where the Human Resources department arranges for every employee to receive a potted plant on the anniversary of his or her hire date. The computer generates a list of employees with upcoming anniversaries, an HR employee creates the purchase order, and a florist delivers your plant. When your manager walks by your desk and notices that you have received the standard anniversary plant, she says, Oh, is it your anniversary? At that moment, how recognized do you feel? Does it matter to you that the people in HR know its your anniversary? Unless you have a relationship with HR, it probably doesnt. For most people, this kind of recognition has about as much value as a computer-generated birthday greeting from their life insurance company. This isnt just a hypothetical example. This is the story of a real employee who was the victim of outsourced recognition. As her story illustrates, recognition only has meaning when it comes from people who benefit from your behavior or have a direct interest in your achievements. Recognition that comes from recognition program administrators, whether in HR or Communications, is cold, impersonal, and a waste of company resources. To turn around the anniversary plant idea, the manager needs to play an active role. If your organization has a service program, participate. In this example, HR can still generate the anniversary list and order the plants, but their representative should deliver the plant and the name of the employee directly to you, the man ager. HR might take it a step further and provide an anniversary card. After that, its up to you to prepare a personal note and deliver the plant. You will determine whether the anniversary gift makes a positive impressionbecause its the interaction between the employee and manager, and not the plant itself, which is meaningful. A major reason recognition programs fail is that recognition gets outsourced to administrators. Remember the 50/30/20 Rule of Recognition. Employees want the majority of recognition to come from their manager. It is okay for administrators to support your recognition efforts, but not to provide the recognition itself. In the best organizations, you, as a manager or supervisor, are responsible for recognition while your recognition administrator guides and supports you, remaining behind the scenes, influencing and coaching, rather than trying to lead. Wells Fargo Uses Recognition Coordinators Wells Fargo provides a good example of this approach. According to Cheryl Miller, Recognition Manager for Wells Fargo Technology Group, recognition coordinators (RCs)* in her group work with managers to keep recognition efforts front and center. These RCs offer many services they coordinate events, administer nominations, offer training and coaching, and much more. Managers and supervisors at Wells Fargo can best leverage their RCs support by doing the following Including them in staff meetings to offer updates on recognition,Asking them to volunteer to lead a fun committee, andHaving them compile nomination information from business partners and customers. You may not have a recognition coordinator in your organization, but your HR or Communications team can probably provide you with some of the services described in the two examples given. Wells Fargo RCs also provide managers and supervisors with questionnaires to help them learn more about their team members want. Good Intentions About Recognition When the people in HR discover that job satisfaction is suffering because employees crave recognition, they often find themselves in a frustrating position. They have identified a need and want to do something to correct the problem. If managers ignore the problem or plead that they dont have the time, often HR will take the lead. They create sophisticated and imaginative programs, survey employees on preferences, create metricsand track results. While HRs intentions are admirable, inevitably, if you the managers dont drive recognition, their efforts are usually wasted. As a manager who wants your people to feel recognized, you have to be willing to accept responsibility for recognition. You can allow HR to support you but not replace you. Leveraging HRs Work in Recognition HR can provide services that play a pivotal role in the recognition process. The expertise this department provides is often crucial. HR staff can greatly assist your recognition efforts. They can significantly improve the recognition process and employee job satisfaction. You can leverage the work they do in creating and managing programs, surveying, and offering training to make you most effective. HR can play an active and vital role in the recognition process entwurf and implement great programs.Track what works and what doesnt and use this knowledge to recommend effective changes.Train managers on the organizations recognition programs.Provide coaching to managers and supervisors. HR is there to support you in your recognition efforts, but it cant offer meaningful recognition for you. *Wells Fargo RCs are volunteers who come from all over two divisions. They do their recognition work in addition to their regular duties. Cindy Ventrice is a research-based writer, with the goal of helping organizations create a culture of appreciation and improve engagement through assessment, manager training, and recognition program development, revamping and roll out.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Naval Air Crew Candidate School (NACCS - Pensacola)

Naval Air Crew Candidate School (NACCS - Pensacola)Naval Air Crew Candidate School (NACCS - Pensacola)Angels exist. The Navy makes them and its factory is in Florida. Navy angels wear green flight suits and snug-fitting flight helmets that leave little room for halos or even fluffy white feathers. These guardian angels have faithfully stood watch over aviation crews, reisepassengers, aircraft, and cargo since the dawn of naval aviation. Yet they go mostly unnoticed among the rest of the fleet, set aparte from typical Sailors only by the gold wings pinned on their chests with the letters AC branded in the center. The letters stand for aircrew, and earning one of the rare gold enlisted pins is one of the toughest qualifications in the fleet. NACCS at NAS Officially known as the Naval Air Crew Candidate School (NACCS), Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, Fla., its a duty station that can be easily mistaken for a little slice of heaven with mostly year-around sunbathing weather. But d ont let the vacation-like setting fool you NACCS is anything but a vacation for aircrew candidates. Boot camp physical training might prepare you for duty in the Navy, but it doesnt prepare you for aircrew school, said Air Crew Candidate, Airman Apprentice William Joseph Hamilton. Just to earn the right to attempt aircrew school is a physical and mental challenge. Worthy candidates and all volunteers must be in great physical shape and be a strong enough swimmer to pass a second-class swim test during boot camp. They must pass the Navys physical fitness assessment (PFA) with a satisfactory-medium in all categories for their sex and age, and pass a flight physical prior to setting foot on the aircrew schools quarterdeck. Aircrew duty isnt for everyone. Sailors can and do submit a drop on request at any point during the high-risk aircrew training process. Stiff physical, mental and even emotional obstacles weed out anyone who cant handle whatever is thrown their way. We cant just thro w any enlisted guy into an aircraft and expect him to contribute to the mission, said Master Chief Aviation Warfare Systems Operator Kenneth J. Ellenburg, NACCS Master Chief Petty Officer in charge of training. Flying Navy isnt anything like flying on an airline. Theres a lot for aircrew personnel to do during a flight. Air Crew Duties Aircrew missions vary depending on the type of aircraft they are assigned to and that aircrafts tasking. Navy aircraft move Sailors and mail, engage targets, conduct surveillance, direct battles, hunt submarines and perform other tasks the Navy deems necessary. Aircrew duties during these flights can include maintenance of airborne electronic, mechanical and ordnance delivery systems operating airborne electronic equipment performing tactical duties as flight engineers, loadmasters, analysts and reel operators on Take Charge and Move Out (TACAMO) aircraft operating airborne mine countermeasures equipment, or crew served weapons and serving as flig ht communications operators, in-flight medical technicians or even flight attendants. Aircrew makes the mission successful, said Ellenburg. The pilots just get you there. Sometimes, just getting there and back is the most difficult part of the mission. By design, just about every tuch and helicopter device aircrew candidates climb aboard at NACCS will crash during training. Instructors waste little time in snapping their students attention into the harsh reality of naval aviation, where mishaps can and often do happen. Training contraptions eerily named after aviator nightmares, like the helicopter dunker, a full-scale mock-up of a helicopter cabin, are used by instructors to crash candidates into the water. Without warning, instructors send the dunker plummeting to the drink, rotating the cabin as it sinks. Students are required to egress from their seats through specific pathways once while wearing their flight gear, then again with black-out goggles. Like many Navy jobs, aircrew survival centers on attention to detail and following procedures, which are drilled into candidates heads until theyre instinctive. You dont carry a checklist with you when you hit the water, said Ellenburg. You have to be mentally tough enough to do the right things because youll only get one chance if disaster finds you. Getting out of the aircraft is only part of surviving a mishap at sea. Aircrew personnel must avoid drowning while dodging sinking aircraft, possible fires, enemy aggression, heat, cold, waves, exhaustion, dehydration and other obstacles between them and any rescue attempts the Navy sends their way. NACCS covers all of itin four weeks. Aircrew personnel are trained to take responsibility for their entire crew, passengers and any salvageable cargo, so it should come as no surprise that the two most prominent things at aircrew school are physical fitness and swimminglots of swimming. SurvivalTraining for Candidates Candidates must pass nine levels of water survi val training to graduate from NACCS. Most of the time, when you end up in the water as an aviator, its because something went terribly wrong, saidWater Survival Instructor AviationBoatswains Mate (Equipment) 2nd Class Cory Smith. We give students the confidence theyll need to survive a mishap in the water. We make them understand that they have to get deep and swim away from the ship (or aircraft) to avoid falling debris, fire, explosions and other Sailors. It matters how you jump into the water. Jump the wrong way and you have to try to survive with a broken leg, dislocated shoulder, or worse. According to Smith, it can take up to 15 minutes for a rescue helicopter to get off the deck, so surviving a crash means you have to make it to a life raft or tread water until help arrives. Aircrew graduates leave knowing drown-proofing techniques like treading water, floating and making it to that life raft, even if its a mile swim away while wearing between 45 and 50 lbs. of flight gear. I learned a lot at water survival, said Airman Recruit Avery Layton. She considered the tread and float test (WS-4) the toughest part of her training at aircrew school. I got over being scared to put my face in the water here because I did it so many times. And another thing wearing boots doesnt give you more traction in the water. Aircrew personnel are entrusted to do more than complete their mission. Theyre expected to serve as watchdogs for the rest of the crew and the aircraft to prevent mishaps. One of the things aircrew look for are symptoms of hypoxia. Hypoxia is a physical condition the body experiences when blood oxygen levels fall below 87 percent, and typically begin at altitudes above 10,000 feet. Low levels of oxygen cause slowed motor skills and impaired judgment. Candidates go through a low-pressure chamber, where aviationphysiological technicianslikeHospital Corpsman2nd Class Mark Morin educate the airborne-bound Sailors. Even though the air crew arent actually flyin g the aircraft, Morin said, they need to understand the signs of hypoxia, because if a pilot has hypoxia, everyone aboard that plane deals with his fate. Staying Grounded Being on the ground doesnt release air crewmen from their duties. When not flying, they perform duties such as aircraft maintenance, operations, line division, communications and other duties associated with their source ratings. The aircrew warfare designation is one of the toughest pins to earn. The Navy plans to keep it that way because of the reputation that the aircrew wings have earnedin the aviation community. The aircrew training programs reputation has allowed pilots to trust aircrews without question, said Ellenburg. The pilots never second guess the enlisted air crews decisions. The rewards for graduating from NACCS are brief, with a hearty handshake and a push onward to the next challenge in the four-part gauntlet that is the aircrew qualification process. In addition to passing NACCS, candidates mu st conquer their source rating A school,Survival Evasion Resistance and Escapetraining and finally qualify on their specific platform at a fleet replacement squadron. Then, and only then do these guardian angels earn their wings and some extra cash with career enlisted flyer incentive pay. But that daydream remains fuzzy for candidates back at NACCS, who are more focused on not swallowing more than their fair share of water, completing the dreaded mile swim and escaping the chaotic helicopter dunker, than on the day they get their wings, the holy grail of these guardian angels.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

5 easy ways to exercise during the workday (and improve your life)

5 easy ways to exercise during the workday (and improve your life)5 easy ways to exercise during the workday (and improve your life)Its 230PM and youre sitting at your desk slack-jawed and fuzzy-brained. You know you have plenty to do, yet you find yourself trying to find the energy, staring at your computer monitor, just willing yourself to be productive. The burrito you demolished at lunch is sitting in your stomach like a boulder, and youre feeling sluggish and unfocused.There has to be a better way, right?There is leave your desk and move a little.Youll come back feeling renewed - enough to skip the sugary latte and geschftszimmer doughnuts that lure you in the afternoons.Exercise makes you better at your jobExercise during the workday can feel like one more item on our to-do list well never get to. Days can be packed with meetings, you may fear smelling like a high school leger room when you get back at your desk, and maybe your boss will consider your midday absence suspicious .Maybe thats why in a week busy with work and family demands, exercise is nearly the first thing to go. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a reported 23% of Americans actually bother to exercise during the week.Why even try? Because exercise can save your workday and re-energize you in a way that even coffee cant.Better than coffeeFirst, lets establish this you need to take breaks. Whether you exercise or just choose to stare into space for 15 minutes, research shows that diverting your attention away from a task for even a short period of time will help you better focus on that project for prolonged periods when you return.While staring into space can be appealing in a zombie kind of way, it doesnt provide many mental benefits.Remaining sedentary for long periods of time makes you want to sit around even more. On the other hand, numerous studies have proven that a midday workout can boost everything from your productivity and creativity to your overall job satisfacti on. One study identified a 5-10% improvement in cognitive function for people who got up and hit the gym.Afternoon is also one of the peak times to workout from a physical standpoint. Your body temperature rises a few degrees in the middle of the day, meaning your muscles are more warmed up than if you just hopped out of bed and straight onto the treadmill. That means fewer injuries and increased performance.A midday workout is also a great way to blow off some steam. Youll feel positive and happy, since endorphins are released when you workout, explains Eve Karlin, Fitness Manager at Crunch Fitness in Burbank, CA, In addition, exercising in the middle of the day is a great way to release stress.A mid-day workout is possibleThere are plenty of employers across the country that place a huge emphasis on physical well-being. Youve probably heard the rumblings of the on-site gyms, smoothie bars, and afternoon joga classes in the middle of the conference room. In fact, a focus on physica l health is reportedly one of the most popular perks an employer can offer.Hope Alcocer, a New York City-based professional in her late twenties who works remotely for FinTech company, Xamin Inc., has been exercising in the middle of her workday for the past several months. My job as Creative Ambassador requires me to live up to the title creative, she says, I cant do my job to the best of my ability if I dont feel refreshed both mentally and physically. Working out in the middle of the day allows me to do that.Alcocers employer is completely supportive. As long as we get our work done, theyre cool with it, she adds. Xamins President even went so far as to start a 2017 challenge focused on fitness, health, and wellness goals for employees- and, he also works out in between his own meetings.Jason (name has been changed), whos in his late twenties and works at an insurance company in a mid-sized Midwestern city, paints an entirely different picture. My boss would lose her mind if I le ft in the middle of the day to go to the gym, he says, While I wouldnt necessarily describe her as a clock-watcher, shes a big believer in the fact that the workday is for work only.As a result, Jason hits the gym on his way home from the office- a time when its usually bustling with other busy professionals. Its not ideal, he adds, But, its really my only choice. I make it work.How to do itIf you havent done mid-day workouts before, here are some pro tips for becoming an office workout warrior.If you work remotely like Alcocer, do what she does use dry shampoo, a change of clothes, and an added layer of deodorant, which is her routine before heading back from the gym to her shared workspaces in Brooklyn and the city.Take a walk. If youre near a park, grass or trees, nature resets our minds and bodies. In a city, explore the streets around you.Useone-minute workout programs or StretchClock- a timer that reminds you when its time to stand up from your desk chair and stretch out a lit tle bit- to incorporate movement into your daily work routine.Its easy to do these exercises in stealth mode and no one would even know youre doing them, Shane Gildnes, Founder of StretchClock, says. Theyre only one minute long, so theyre over before anybody would notice.Gildnes suggests small changes- like grabbing water or a snack on a different floor than your desk or parking further away from the office building- to add just a little more movement to your workday.If you prefer a gym, break up your workouts. I would recommend focusing on cardio before going to work and then resistance training during your work break, explains Karlin from Crunch Fitness, Another great option is taking a joga class or walking on the treadmill at an incline.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What Is So Fascinating About Resumes References Format?

What Is So Fascinating About Resumes References Format? Things You Should Know About Resumes References Format The letter must be issued by the employer. You may purchase resume paper at OfficeMax, Staples, or some other office supply shop. If youve had a specific reference for mora than a calendar year, call to verify that you still have the ideal phone number and other details. You might be able to figure out the name via your research or you could simply call the organization and ask who the letter should go to. In spite of the fact that it is normally good practice to prevent putting references on resumes to be able to avoid getting your references become worn out by casual inquiries, it helps to attach a whole collection of references to the resume you bring to the interview. Make certain you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. When used by employers, references might be essential part of the interview approach. If its possible, select references that are i n a position to talk specifically about your qualifications for the job for which youre applying. Sometimes you might be requested to execute an easy undertaking to demonstrate your abilities. You probably wouldnt wish to use some APA Style formatting, like double-spacing since you need to showcase your experience and techniques in a little space. Hopefully, you can receive awesomely optimized resumes and you will create your life simpler Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. In case youre thinking about issuing such a letter but are not certain how to draft one, get some idea from the work reference template. My critique will provide you with the tools you have to bring your resume to the next level. Look at preparing a brief conversation to share why youre interested in the position. When you ask a person to offer you a reference, its always a great idea to give them a chance to decline. Be certain to specify whether the sample was published and where. Quite often, a reference list is requested in the on-line application practice. When you are constructing your first resume, attempt to prevent utilizing a template. Getting the Best Resumes References Format The area of information technology grows more important each and every day. Youre able to demonstrate that the supervisor might be contacted after a work offer on your uploaded resume. Following your interview, your references could be a critical component on whether you get a job offer from an organization. Questions will be job-specific and designed to find out the degree of your understanding of the business and your abilities. Possessing a strong resume will enable you find several great jobs. The biggest section of ones resume ought to be specialized in your experience thats just enjoy the job which you desire. Formatting your resume references is a comparatively straightforward endeavor. After youve selected the references for your list, utilize a fo rmat much like the resume. As previously mentioned, you need to decide on a resume format thats suited to your personal profile. When you format a resume, its important to keep in mind your headings want to stick out in some way to easily differentiate sections from one another and to separate them from the remainder of your text. Select references that are legitimate. The sample reference page provided here can readily be adapted to fulfill your requirements. Below youll discover a sample reference list. Youll also discover a sample reference list. The Good, the Bad and Resumes References Format You also need to decide which of your qualifications you would like to highlight. It is crucial to have a whole list of three or more professional references which can be submitted together with your resume, or provided to job interviewers upon request. Normally, employers arent going to ask for your references until theyve made the choice to hire you. Sometimes prospective employ ers will say how many and what kind of references they want. Dont forget to ask your prior employer for permission if youre submitting a sample that youve written for a preceding position. Be certain to let your employer know you have references available upon request. Its rare an employer will request references in a very first interview, but its possible that is why you wish to get them with you. When an employer does ask for your references youll be able to list them on an individual page.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The New Fuss About Writing a Education Resume for College

The New Fuss About Writing a Education Resume for College The Number One Question You Must Ask for Writing a Education Resume for College Contact Information The very first section of your resume should incorporate information on the way the employer can contact you. If so, youre in the fruchtwein suitable page. There are likewise a lot of list of layouts readily available online. Enter your complete name and contact information at the very top of the webpage. Career aspirants must consider a resume template in the place of a program load vitae template. A resume example is able to help you make a decision as to what type of content to include, along with how to format your resume. For instance, if a resume template doesnt include a list of skills, but you would like to include one, you ought to do so. A typical college application doesnt always provide a student room to highlight all her or his accomplishments and experience. Landing a terrific internship for a college student is an excellent means to get prepared for the challenges of life after the university. A student that has a purpose to transfer or apply into his or her preferred university or school unigelnde for enrollment, a superior college resume is going to be a great and effectual tool to create that happen. The template is intended to fulfill the expectations of potential bsc students. How to Get Started with Writing a Education Resume for College? A resume is the 1 chance a student will need to tell college recruiters everything they will need to understand. Its the fastest way to tell college admissions officers all they will need to understand about an individual, according to If for no other reason, obtaining the resume will permit you to easily finish all the on-line profiles teams require prospects to finish. If possible, have someone from your campus career office, or maybe an alumnus in the specialty that you want to know more about, have a loo k at your resume to make sure you have included as much pertinent information as possible. Moreover, it supplies you with a type of the resume that you may use to create your own. The more specifically youre able to relate your experience to the demands of the open position, the better your odds of scoring an interview. Your resume is a significant portion of gaining the interest of a hiring manager, so make certain it presents you in the most positive and intriguing way and exhibits skills and experiences that specifically cover the particulars of the posted nursing position. For managers, it truly is beneficial to have an expert design and style since it will provide a productive effect to one of your future organisations. If you dont have a lot of relevant experience, you might put every one of these under the exact same category of Related Experience. There are variety of examples and various varieties of Free Resume Templates which can be found which could be downloaded free. Your Resume Examples for Primary Teachers may seem in the very same way as just a part of paper that lists your prior experience and education but its a lot more than that.